Monday, December 13, 2010


John 13:34-35 we are told to love one another. In fact, we will be known by our love.

But here's the deal, it's Christmas time. A time about Christ, a time when those who claim His name are often a little more sensitive towards His mission. Unfortunately, at Christmas time, we often buy for one another and that is that. That's nice, but doesn't really show love. Let's be known by our LOVE at all times and not BUY our LOVE just at Christmas.

I would LOVE to hear some ways people are going to show LOVE to one another at Christmas time. Feel free to comment below...

all about Christ,



  1. LOVE during Christmas season...I know it's not gifts, but a few gifts we are giving this year are about LOVE to the person they are addressed to and to many others.
    A few people in our family made it clear they want nothing and need nothing. So for instance instead of picking up a candle or picture frame for grandma we teamed up with World Vision and are giving her a gift in her name that will bless someone else. For example, necessities for American children that won't get Christmas all the way to a goat and chickens for those in third world countries. Check pretty cool ideas.

    Loving others by giving in their name to others this Christmas

  2. in my two failed marriages I have learned that True Love = Quality Time + Quantity time x common experiences.
